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The Approach to Patients with Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) in the Era of Precision Medicine: The Careful Use of Terminology
What to expect from IDS 2024?
Teprotumumab’s Impact on Proptosis in Long-duration Thyroid Eye Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Performance of Simple Outpatient-based Biomarker Panels for Screening of Steatotic Liver Disease in Women with Morbid Obesity from Southern India
Dual GLP-1/GLP-2 receptor agonist, dapiglutide, shows similar weight loss to placebo but may aid weight reduction
Clinical and Biochemical Profiles of Hospitalized Patients with Hypercalcaemia from a Tertiary Care Centre in North India
Celebrating 60 years: Standout moments from EASD 2024
New Trends in Treating Cushing’s Disease
Benefits of finerenone for patients with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, kidney and metabolic complications
EASO release new framework for the diagnosis, staging and management of obesity in adults
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