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Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) is a ubiquitous, multifunctional, 766-amino acid, type 2 transmembrane glycoprotein, which participates in the regulation of metabolic functions, immune and inflammatory responses, cancer growth and cell adhesion.1 It has two forms: the first is a membrane-bound form, which is extensively expressed in the body, including the cells of the immune system, haematopoietic cells, […]

Kristien Boelaert, ATA 2022: Challenges of the long term treatment of hyperthyroidism

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Published Online: Nov 2nd 2022

Hyperthyroidism, also called overactive thyroid, occurs when your thyroid gland overproduces thyroid hormones. In this touchENDOCRINOLOGY interview, Prof. Kristien Boelaert (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom) discusses the challenges faced in the long term treatment of hyperthyroidism.

The abstract entitled: ‘LONG‐TERM MORTALITY AND CARDIOMETABOLIC EFFECTS OF TREATMENT FOR HYPERTHYROIDISM: EGRET STUDY was presented at the American Thyroid Association Annual Meeting, 19-23 Oct, 2022.


  1. What are the challenges of the long term treatment of hyperthyroidism? (0:15)

Disclosures: Kristien Boelaert has nothing to disclose in relation to this video interview.

Support: Interview supported by Touch Medical Media. Interview conducted by Shanice Allen.

Recorded as a highlight of ATA 2022

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