Globally, diabetes is a disease in evolution affecting more and more children, adolescents and young adults.
The International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) is a professional organization whose aims are to promote clinical and basic science, research, education and advocacy in childhood and adolescent diabetes. The strength of ISPAD lies in the scientific and clinical expertise in childhood and adolescent diabetes of its members. ISPAD is the only international society focusing specifically on all types of childhood diabetes.
Our activities include:
ISPAD’s Annual Conference is held yearly in different international locations. ISPAD publishes Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines for the management of diabetes in children and adolescents. These are freely accessible through our website, in english and in several other languages. It is as well published in the ISPAD Official Journal Pediatric Diabetes.
The yearly ISPAD Science School for Physicians offers research training in the field of diabetes for young doctors. ISPAD Science School for Health Professionals is also held each year and is organized for nurses, dietitians, psychologists and other allied health professionals. The participation in the Science Schools is for members only, and includes free travel, accommodation and meals.