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Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) is a ubiquitous, multifunctional, 766-amino acid, type 2 transmembrane glycoprotein, which participates in the regulation of metabolic functions, immune and inflammatory responses, cancer growth and cell adhesion.1 It has two forms: the first is a membrane-bound form, which is extensively expressed in the body, including the cells of the immune system, haematopoietic cells, […]

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Patricia Davidson & Jacqueline LaManna, ADCES 2022: Impact of diabetes self-management on quality-of-life outcomes in youth with diabetes

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Published Online: Sep 7th 2022

 In this touchENDOCRINOLOGY interview, Prof. Patricia Davidson (West Chester University, West Chester, USA) and Dr Jacqueline LaManna (University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA) joined us to discuss their study investigating the impact and importance of assessing quality of life-impacting domains of self-management quality of life measures in youth with diabetes, the knowledge gaps that were identified, and recommendations for future research.

The abstract entitled: ‘Impact of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support on Quality-of-Life Outcomes
in Youth with Diabetes’ was presented at the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES) Annual Conference, 12-15 Aug, 2022.


  1. Could you tell us a little about the importance of assessing quality of life-impacting domains of self-management quality of life measures in youth with diabetes? (0:21)
  2. What were the aims and design of your study? (2:12)
  3. What were the study findings? (2:48)
  4. What knowledge gaps have been identified? (5:14)
  5. Based on these findings, what are your recommendations for future studies and clinical practice? (6:47)

Disclosures: Speaker’s bureau participant with Novo Nordisk on semaglutide.

Support: Interview supported by Touch Medical Media. Interview conducted by Shanice Allen.

Recorded as a highlight of ADCES 2022

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